Monday, October 12, 2009

Global warming Or Global Warning?

Global warming,
is it just a word to describe a phenomenon?
or a word to remind us about our responsibilities?
Weather now is getting hotter and hotter,
what more for me who live in the region called "khatulistiwa"..
perhaps the weather is not as hot as it is in Afrika,
but who knows one day it will....
perhaps i can still "cool" myself down by eating a cup of ice-creams,
but can i still do that in the future?

For sure,
global warming is not just as simple as warming,
but it is a "warning" to all human mankind,
that our daily activities have caused much destruction to our nature..
after watching the latest National Geographic,
I start to realise the effects of global warming..

when you are reading this post,
you may not really understand the effects,
just as I was before,
But, now I can really feel it
I mean, I can really feel the effects of global warming...

Many times I was wondering why global warming is in the Biology syllabus,
but now I understand..
we all have to be taught the effects of global warming,
and on top of that,
we should all be given a chance to be involved
in all the anti-global wariming activities

let us all put our hands together
to help prevent global warimg,
with just a simple action of..
sharing vehicles,
despise open burning,
reduce the use of air-cons,etc
for our own sake,
and to save the Earth

Are you ready to answer a question
that may be asked by the generations
after a decade, or say a hundred years from now?

'What have you done to stop global warming?'

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

There's yet to come!!!!

Whosh, just completed my once in a lifetime SPM Mock Exam,
It was a harsh one as it lasted for almost a month.
But finally, it ended.

Thinking of relaxing,
is what I want to do now,
but don't know why I seem to be uneasy for doing so..
maybe because the REAL SPM is just one month away,
though it seems to be quite a long time,
but to fully revise all the 11 subjects,
it's just not enough...

At the moment,
I'm also worrying about my mock results,
especially the Chinese..
But I have true faith in God that if I have tried my best,
Blessings will always be with me...
O Lord, give me faith and wisdom,
no matter what I got for my mock....
push me harder so that I'll pull up my socks and continue striking for SPM...

Anyway, I really thank lord for blessing me with wisdom that I got distinction in both English and Mathematics New South Wales Australia Competition..
Hope this will be of help in my coming SPM and most importantly my future..